Our school SEND co-ordinator (SENDCO) is Mrs R Cregan.  

Mrs Cregan can be contacted on (01942) 204091 or by emailing r.cregan@saintjudes.wigan.sch.uk

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy for St. Jude’s can be viewed by downloading the document below:-

St Jude’s SEND Policy 

 Additionally, if you would like to see our whole school SEN Provision map please click here (word document).

The SEN School Information Report for St Jude’s Catholic Primary can be viewed via the link below

St Jude’s SEND School Information Report 22-23 

St Jude’s Accessibility Plan

The system for supporting children and young people with SEN and Disability changed in 2014, for information please see the letter from the Department of Education below:-

Letter from DoE to parents

For further information on the Local SEND Offers available within Wigan please visit 
