KEY STAGE 2 (2022/2023)

Cohort size30
Year 6 Expected standard in reading73%
Year 6 Greater depth in reading37%
Year 6 Expected standard in writing70%
Year 6 Greater depth in writing13%
Year 6 Expected standard in maths67%
Year 6 Greater depth in maths27%
Year 6 Expected standard in RWM combined60%
Year 6 Greater depth in RWM combined10%
KS2 Average Progress Score in Reading4.0
KS2 Average Progress Score in Writing2.9
KS2 Average Progress Score in Maths2.6
KS2 Average Scaled Score in Reading106
KS2 Average Scaled Score in Maths104

National Performance Tables;

Please see the following link which will take you to the DfE school performance tables website;

You can view St Jude’s performance information at;’s-catholic-primary-school-wigan