Reception RE – The Last Supper
Reception retold the story of The Last Supper together. They then shared some bread and a drink. They passed it around and reenacted the story of Jesus’ meal with his friends.
3Welcome to our Reception class Information Page. On this page you will find our YR Long term plan, our latest termly class newsletter, details of our homework project for this half term and any other relevant information. At the bottom of this page is our news and photo gallery.
In Reception Class we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework is based upon four themes:
More information on the EYFS framework and how it is delivered at St Jude’s is included in our Early Years Policy which can be found on our General Policies page.
Below is the plan showing the topics taught through the year. Please see the curriculum subject pages for more information regarding the topics.
Reception-LTP-2024-2025Below is the relevant information that you will need for this term. If you have any further questions please see the class teacher.
Reception-Spring-Parent-Partnership-Letter-2025A termly homework project will be set to support classroom learning. Below is this half terms project.
Spring-Reception-HomeworkSystematic synthetic daily phonics is taught following the Read Write Inc Programme throughout Early Years and Key Stage 1, beginning in the summer term of Pre-school. Pupils are grouped according to ability across the year groups. Progress is tracked throughout the year by the early reading and phonics lead and groupings are adjusted accordingly. Pupils in Year 1 have a National Phonics Screening Test in June. Pupils who do not achieve the expected standard re-sit the test the following year when they are in Y2. Fast track tutoring will be used as an intervention when required to support early reading and writing.
When pupils complete the Read Write Inc phonics programme they begin ‘No-nonsense spelling’. This programme is taught throughout Key Stage 2.
We use the Read Write Inc reading scheme throughout Early Years and Key Stage 1 where books are fully decodable and correlate with where the child is up to in the scheme. When ready, children are sent home two books which are matched to their reading level from Read, Write, Inc. and a book to read for pleasure with an adult, which will be from the school library.
If you have any questions or would like any further information about the curriculum or how you can further support your child’s learning at home then please speak to your child’s class teacher.
If you would like any copies of the documents on this page, the school office will be happy to print them for you.
To help your child with Maths click here for some helpful tips
To help your child with Phonics click here for some helpful tips
To help your child with oral hygiene click here for some helpful tips
For ideas and activities for 4-5 year olds click here
To see which picture books your 4/5 year old would enjoy click here
September – In Reception we enjoyed meeting our Year 6 buddies who will be our special friends throughout the Reception year. We shared books together in our classroom and we are looking forward to them helping us to learn, love and grow with Jesus.
October- As part of our topic about “People that Help Us” we had a visit from dentist Anna. We thought about the types of food that are good and bad for our teeth, how often to brush them and how long for. Then we explored some activities in the classroom linked to what we had talked about.
November – The Reception children have really enjoyed the story “Owl Babies” We have read the story, acted it out and completed lots of writing about the story. After a visit from some real owls, we all made our very own one. We have learned so many interesting facts about owls too.
December – We have enjoyed learning about Advent and preparing for Christmas through our RE topic “Prophecy and Promise”. We have explored The Annunciation, The Nativity and The Shepherds Vsiting the Manger. We have also explored Christmas in other counties where we looked at Mexico and had our own “Posada Party.”
January – We have been exploring light and dark in Reception and the children have loved using the torches in our dark dens. Creating shadows using puppets and their hands has been something that the children have really enjoyed.
February – Reception photos, In Reception there has been a lot of learning about the natural world around us. We have explored freezing and melting and reflection in our outdoor environment. We have used our senses to explore what we see, hear and feel whilst outside.
March – In Reception we had a go at recording ways of making five in our own way. Miss Parker was really impressed with the different ways that we recorded our findings. Some of us drew pictures, others wrote numbers and some Reception children knew to write the addition sign! We will be building on our Maths recording skills in the Summer term.
April – We have been exploring signs of Spring in Reception and then creating our own observational artwork using pastels and paint. We are beginning to use more detail in our creations.
May – As part of our RE work on understanding that we need each other to live as a family and community we invited our Year 6 Buddies to share an afternoon with us after their SATs. We enjoyed sharing this special time together and especially the ice lollies!