On Monday 23rd September CAFOD visited our school. We found out about the new World Gifts they have and each class had a presentation about Catholic Social Teaching principles. Children then had the opportunity to reflect on what they had learnt.
Year of Prayer
At St. Jude’s we are embracing the Year of Prayer in Preparation for the Jubilee Year ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. We are focusing on traditional prayer throughout the school as well as welcoming Fr. Causey into school each week to lead the Rosary. Join us as we embrace this year of prayer.
Harvest Mass
We celebrated our Harvest Mass in school and our local community were invited. Our choir led the music and children participated throughout through readings, the offering and by welcoming our visitor from The Edge Community Grocery, who we collected food for. We then found out how our food would help in our local community.
Remembrance Day
As a whole school we gathered at 11 o’clock in our Spiritual Garden to remember those who have fallen in war. Our Prayer and Liturgy focused on how we can be peacemakers, embracing one of the Catholic Social Teaching principles.
During this festive season, the St. Jude’s School Choir has been spreading Christmas cheer throughout the community. The children were invited to perform at St. Jude’s Social Club during their Wednesday Warm and Cosy event, where they sang a variety of songs they have been preparing for their upcoming concert in March, as well as Christmas carols. They also visited the local retirement home, St. Clements Court, and performed Christmas carols for the residents, who graciously gave the children a selection box as a gift.
Advent 2024
During Advent we gather together each week to light the Advent Candle. Each week we went forth thinking about how we can bring hope, love, joy and peace to others during this time of waiting and preparing. Children also celebrated Prayer and Liturgy at our crib.
Christmas Message Board
Continuing on from our Live Simply journey we had our Christmas Message Board again this year. Reminding families of the message from Pope Francis in Laudato Si about looking after our world we asked families to save paper and send in one Christmas message per family instead of sending a class of Christmas cards. These joyful Christmas messages were proudly displayed in our hall and the money donated from families will be used to purchase Christmas World Gifts from CAFOD.
Christmas Prayer and Liturgy, Nativity and Carol Service
Our families came and shared in the Christmas story with us. Early Years held a Prayer and Liturgy, Key Stage One performed the Nativity and Key Stage Two shared the Christmas Story at Church for the whole community through song and drama with a very special Carol Service.
The Feast of the Epiphany
We celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany with a special Prayer and Liturgy as a whole school. Listening to how the wise men followed the star it reminded us how Jesus is our shining light who leads the way for us. Each class was asked to ‘Go Forth’ and consider how they could be a shining light to other people, just like Jesus was.
Ash Wednesday
We went to church to receive ashes for Ash Wednesday to mark the beginning of Lent. Children read the first reading, the bidding prayers and brought up the gifts. Then at the end of Mass our CAFOD Club shared how we will try to give more during Lent as a school by participating in CAFOD’S Big Lent Walk campaign.
RE Photo Gallery Chatter
Year 1 remember The Last Supper
Today we recreated the scene of The Last Supper using artwork to inspire us. Then we celebrated Prayer and Liturgy thinking about how God gave Jesus strength and courage to keep spreading the good news, even at difficult times. We prayed to God and asked for courage so we could continue to make the right choice, even if it is a difficult one,
Year 4 loved our Big Lent Walk today. We decided to try and look for the colours of the rainbow in nature, which is one of our Generation Wild badge tasks. We talked about how grateful we are for these special gifts from God. 🌸 🌼
Reception retold the story of The Last Supper together. They then shared some bread and a drink. They passed it around and reenacted the story of Jesus’ meal with his friends.
For our Lent Walk this week, Y1 went on a Spring walk around the school grounds to observe the changes that occur when Spring arrives. We saw blue skies, new bulbs and even some birds nests. We talked to Mr Keen about the changes Spring brings and why he has covered up the vegetables and bulbs that have just been planted.
Year 6 took part in a class prayer and liturgy in our school spiritual garden before going on a walk around the local area to observe signs of spring linked to the creation story.
We had such an incredible day at Martin Mere. We loved learning about the wetlands and following Ava’s clues on the treasure hunt. It was great to learn about the wildlife that call Martin Mere their home.
Y1 and Y2 were lucky enough to get the opportunity to celebrate Prayer and Liturgy at Martin Mere on our school trip. Whilst we were in quiet reflection, thanking God for our wonderful world, a flock of ducks flew over our heads and reminded us of all that God created!
Yesterday we all attended Ash Wednesday mass at Church where we received ashes and took time to reflect upon how we can make a new start during Lent to get closer to God.
At St. Jude’s we have officially launched the Jubilee Year of Hope. During this Jubilee Year Pope Francis has called us all to bring hope to those most vulnerable in society. At St. Jude’s we are excited to take on this challenge and give back to our local and global community.
Today CAFOD Club visited Year 1 and told them all about how they continue Jesus’ mission and help those most in need by donating to CAFOD World Gifts. They shared their reasons for what they had bought and inspired Year 1 to follow in their footsteps.
We have listened to the story of the ‘parable of the Sower’ the children retold the story as a group through art. They each chose a part of the story and drew a picture to represent it. We then talked about the message of the story and how it teaches us to trust, believe and follow God.
We celebrated Candlemas with a special Prayer and Liturgy. We invited our families in to celebrate with us and everyone was asked to think about how they can shine their light on others.
Last week we celebrated the renewal of our Mission Statement by inviting all of the St. Jude’s community to a very special Prayer and Liturgy led by our CAFOD Club. A very joyous occasion for St. Jude’s and one that we will all remember. ‘Together, we will learn, love and grow with Jesus.’
Year 1 have been learning about Candlemas when candles are brought to the church to be blessed. We lit a candle for everyone in Y1 today and thought about how God’s loves all of us.
Year 1 looked at how Christmas is celebrated in Poland. We made crafts and sold them to our families. To entice parents to our stalls we re-enacted the Christmas story. We raised £28 and bought Christmas World Gifts from CAFOD to bring love, joy, hope and peace to our global family this Christmas.
At the end of our topic ‘Belonging’ in RE – we have looked at the concepts of fidelity, commitment and responsibility with a focus on service to God and Christianity. As a celebration, we have made ‘Commitment Cards’ to take home and show our love for others by promising to serve them in our own chosen way.
The children have been exploring the Bible. They have been finding out where different scripture are located for example, The creation story, is in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament.
In our RE topic this week we have been looking and learning all about how God loves everyone and how Mary loved Jesus. To celebrate this we made a collage heart to hang in our RE area. ❤️🙏
Today Canon McNally led our Harvest Mass in thanksgiving for all that we have. We also welcomed a visitor from the Community Grocery to explain how our food donations would help those in need in our local community.
On Monday 23rd CAFOD visited our school to tell us all about how their World Gifts scheme has developed and how Catholic Social Teaching principles remind us how to live together, supporting everyone.
This week Year 3 celebrated Prayer and Liturgy in our Spiritual Garden. We listened to the creation story and discussed our duties as Christian stewards in protecting our special world.
Our Prayer and Liturgy this week reminded us that God will provide us with everything we need so we don’t need to worry. If we do have worries, like the bubbles, they will eventually disappear.
This week Year 1 celebrated Prayer and Liturgy in our Spiritual Garden. We listened to the sounds in the world around us and thanked God for all that he created for us.
Today we gathered together to welcome all staff and children back for our new school year. Mr Wilson led Prayer and Liturgy giving everyone the opportunity to reflect on what they are excited about for the year ahead!