On Monday 23rd September CAFOD visited our school. We found out about the new World Gifts they have and each class had a presentation about Catholic Social Teaching principles. Children then had the opportunity to reflect on what they had learnt.

Year of Prayer

At St. Jude’s we are embracing the Year of Prayer in Preparation for the Jubilee Year ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. We are focusing on traditional prayer throughout the school as well as welcoming Fr. Causey into school each week to lead the Rosary. Join us as we embrace this year of prayer.

Harvest Mass

We celebrated our Harvest Mass in school and our local community were invited. Our choir led the music and children participated throughout through readings, the offering and by welcoming our visitor from The Edge Community Grocery, who we collected food for. We then found out how our food would help in our local community.

Remembrance Day

As a whole school we gathered at 11 o’clock in our Spiritual Garden to remember those who have fallen in war. Our Prayer and Liturgy focused on how we can be peacemakers, embracing one of the Catholic Social Teaching principles.


During this festive season, the St. Jude’s School Choir has been spreading Christmas cheer throughout the community. The children were invited to perform at St. Jude’s Social Club during their Wednesday Warm and Cosy event, where they sang a variety of songs they have been preparing for their upcoming concert in March, as well as Christmas carols. They also visited the local retirement home, St. Clements Court, and performed Christmas carols for the residents, who graciously gave the children a selection box as a gift.

Advent 2024

During Advent we gather together each week to light the Advent Candle. Each week we went forth thinking about how we can bring hope, love, joy and peace to others during this time of waiting and preparing. Children also celebrated Prayer and Liturgy at our crib.

Christmas Message Board

Continuing on from our Live Simply journey we had our Christmas Message Board again this year. Reminding families of the message from Pope Francis in Laudato Si about looking after our world we asked families to save paper and send in one Christmas message per family instead of sending a class of Christmas cards. These joyful Christmas messages were proudly displayed in our hall and the money donated from families will be used to purchase Christmas World Gifts from CAFOD.

Christmas Prayer and Liturgy, Nativity and Carol Service

Our families came and shared in the Christmas story with us. Early Years held a Prayer and Liturgy, Key Stage One performed the Nativity and Key Stage Two shared the Christmas Story at Church for the whole community through song and drama with a very special Carol Service.

The Feast of the Epiphany

We celebrated the Feast of the Epiphany with a special Prayer and Liturgy as a whole school. Listening to how the wise men followed the star it reminded us how Jesus is our shining light who leads the way for us. Each class was asked to ‘Go Forth’ and consider how they could be a shining light to other people, just like Jesus was.

Ash Wednesday

We went to church to receive ashes for Ash Wednesday to mark the beginning of Lent. Children read the first reading, the bidding prayers and brought up the gifts. Then at the end of Mass our CAFOD Club shared how we will try to give more during Lent as a school by participating in CAFOD’S Big Lent Walk campaign.