Letter from the Parish Priest

Dear Parents,

At St. Jude’s we are very fortunate and blessed to have a very good Primary School where the Christian, Catholic ethos permeates all aspects of school life, providing an atmosphere and environment where your child feels safe and secure.

The Staff and governors are committed to developing the full potential of each child.

Thank God also for good, committed and responsible parents here at St. Jude’s.

However, let us be absolutely clear – and the new approach to Sacramental Preparation emphasises this: it is you, the parents, who have the main responsibility for your children’s religious upbringing. Thus, it is important that you lead by commitment and example.

The Catholic School, however good in this context, is complementary to the parents and the home. It is the duty of parents to impart knowledge of the Faith, and to make a purposeful effort to teach their children how to really live out that faith.

Accompany your children with you to Mass. Pray frequently with them and help them to be sincere in prayer. Make the home a place of security and love.

God bless you and your loved ones.


Times of Masses and Services at St Jude’s

Masses/Services at St. Jude’s – Saturday 5.30pm (Vigil Mass), Sunday 10.30pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation at St Jude’s – Saturday, 5pm – 5.25pm, Wednesday 6.30pm – 6.55pm

Please click here to visit St Jude’s Catholic Church website.

St Jude’s Presbytery contact number: 01942 393485

St Jude’s Parish belongs to the Archdiocese of Liverpool – http://www.liverpoolcatholic.org.uk/