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At St. Jude’s we have achieved the Live Simply Award from CAFOD.
Mrs Hunt, our Chair of Governors, presented some children who were involved in our Live Simply assessment with our LiveSimply Award!
We have achieved the LiveSimply Award validating that our school community aims are to; live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities.
The award, championed by overseas development charity CAFOD, was awarded to us after we successfully planned and implemented faith inspired actions that highlighted the importance of caring for people and the planet.
Well done and thank you to all the children, staff, governors and parents who have helped us achieve this prestigious award. In their feedback, the assessors even told us that if they were able to give us the award with a distinction, they would. This award goes to prove what wonderful children and families we have here at St Jude’s!

Collecting for local food bank at Harvest Thanksgiving. Focus on Solidarity.
We held a mass in school and members of our parish attended also. Each class collected a hamper of food for Community Grocery and a visitor from Community Grocery spoke to us about giving to those in need in our local community. Children understand how this will help those in need and the impact their fundraising will have.

‘The Big Lent Walk‘. Focus on Solidarity.
We raised money for CAFOD by taking part in the CAFOD Big Lent Walk raising a grand total of £318.10. At the end of Lent children participated in mass and reflected on fasting and giving to others during Lent. We then invited CAFOD into school to tell us their charity and where our fundraised money would go.

Planting fruit and vegetables. Focus on Sustainability and Solidarity.
A group of children set up an allotment to grow fresh fruit and vegetables. Children decided to sell the food and the funds went to a local charity closely linked with our school called ‘Daffodil Dream’. Children also purchased a World Gift of a vegetable garden from the global charity, CAFOD.

Live Simply Pledge Wall. Focus on Living Simply.
Inspired by Laudato Si we have thought about how we can reduce, reuse and recycle. and so we have created a pledge wall to show what we can do. Each key stage celebrated in prayer and liturgy with their parents, our governors and the wider community to share appreciation for our common home. Each week children choose a tip to be shared with parents and the local parish. We also created a pledge wall in Church so our wider community can contribute also.

Litter Pick. Focus on Sustainability.
Each week a group of children will litter pick around the school grounds and in the local community to keep the area clean and tidy and to protect any wildlife, looking after our common home. All litter picked will be put into the appropriate recycling. Children will spread the word with the local community about their good work through the weekly newsletter and about Laudato Si.

Year 6 Leavers Mass. Focus on Living Simply.
Our Year 6 children helped to plan their levers service and participated throughout. They each received an Oscar Romero cross to take with them as they complete their primary school journey. The children were inspired by Oscar Romero’s words, ‘Aspire not to have more but to be more’ and after studying the life and works of Oscar Romero they each wrote a prayer asking for God’s help to support them to each ‘be more’, now and in the future. Some of these prayers were read aloud by Year 6 pupils and the rest were displayed on the prayer tree by the altar.

Community Christmas Card. Focus on Living in Solidarity.
Instead of sending Christmas cards children, parents and staff were invited to write their Christmas wishes and greetings on a school poster and donate the money saved from buying Christmas cards to buy ‘Trees for Life’ through the CAFOD World Gift scheme. This has also encouraged us to consider how we can save paper in our day-to-day lives.

World Gifts. Focus on Solidarity.
We hosted a World’s Gifts Assembly and following this each class decided how to fundraise and purchase a World Gift. Each class planned and led a prayer and liturgy to reflect upon helping those in our global community and then fundraised to purchase a World Gift of their choice.

Prayer and Liturgy in our Spiritual Garden. Focus on Living Sustainably and Simply.
Classes held a Prayer and Liturgy outdoors in our Prayer Garden and parents and family were invited to share in liturgy and worship with us, reflecting upon living simply.