Our school policies aim to provide staff, pupils, parents and carers with clear information about the organisation, standards and ethos of St Jude’s Catholic Primary School and St Jude’s Preschool with Wraparound Care.

These policies enable us to work together to do the best by those in our care.  Copies of any school policy are available free of charge from the school office.

To access a policy immediately, to read online or print at home, please click on the policy below to open the document link:

Admission Arrangements and Policies

Anti-bullying Policy

Attendance & Punctuality Policy

Behaviour Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Collective Worship Policy

Complaints Procedure/Policy

Online Safety Policy

Data Protection Policies (link to page)

Debt Management Policy

Early Years Policy

English Policy

Equality Information & Objectives Statement

Feedback Policy

Health & Safety Policy 

Induction Booklet and Teaching & Learning Policy

Looked after and Previously Looked After Children Policy 

Maths Policy

Parental Code of Conduct

Religious Education Handbook

Reading Policy 

RSHE Policy

Privacy Notices – see Data Protection Policies OR  LA Privacy Notice 

SEND (please see SEND page) 

Spiritual & Moral Development Policy

Social Media Policy

Technical Security Policy

*Paper copies of all of our policies are available free of charge from the school office *