Y3 Art – Alexander Calder
The children have been researching the work of the artist, Alexander Calder.
96The children have been researching the work of the artist, Alexander Calder.
96This week Year 3 celebrated Prayer and Liturgy in our Spiritual Garden. We listened to the creation story and discussed our duties as Christian stewards in protecting our special world.
The children used pipe cleaners to sculpt their own animals like the artist Alexander Calder.
The children have been exploring the Bible. They have been finding out where different scripture are located for example, The creation story, is in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament.
In science the children have been exploring magnets and how they attract and repel. We talked about the north and south poles and how the same poles repel but the opposites attract.
44The children worked together to plan their own prayer and liturgy. They chose how they wanted everyone to gather and wrote their own response prayer.
46The children were investigating different magnets to see which one was the strongest. They used a ruler to measure when each of the magnets attracted the paper clip. They found that it didn’t matter on the size of the magnet.
37The children have been learning about pneumatic systems and made their own moving monster using a pneumatic system. They used a syringe, tube and balloon. When they syringe was pressed, air passed through the tube and inflated the balloon, this then made the mouth to open.
26In Spanish, we have been practising greeting each other and asking and answering the question, ‘¿cómo estás?