Year 1 English
In Year 1 the children have been practising new words by writing them in the sand and making them using magnetic letters.
121In Year 1 the children have been practising new words by writing them in the sand and making them using magnetic letters.
121In Maths this week, we have been learning to find one more. We used the 10s frame and linking cubes to represent what one more than our number would be.
128This week Year 1 celebrated Prayer and Liturgy in our Spiritual Garden. We listened to the sounds in the world around us and thanked God for all that he created for us.
112Our Prayer and Liturgy this week reminded us that God will provide us with everything we need so we don’t need to worry. If we do have worries, like the bubbles, they will eventually disappear.
115This week in Year 1 we have been comparing amounts using symbols. We used cubes to prove that our number sentences were correct.
108On Monday 23rd CAFOD visited our school to tell us all about how their World Gifts scheme has developed and how Catholic Social Teaching principles remind us how to live together, supporting everyone.
112Today Year 1 discovered a mysterious object in the school hall. After some exploration we then found yellow footprints. Thankfully Mr Wilson caught it all on school camera. An alien has come into our school and landed it’s spaceship so we have decided to ask it some questions.
105This week in PE, Y1 were focusing on their balancing skills and transferring from one leg to the other without falling.
103In our computing lesson this week, we were practising our mouse dragging skills. We created marks on the page and created our own pictures.
96This week in PE, Y1 have been practicing their balancing skills. We worked in pairs to balance as many pieces of ‘treasure’ onto our pirate partner as we could. They then had to balance on one leg, trying to keep as many pirate ‘treasures’ in place as possible to gain the most points.
99This week Year 1 have been exploring colour in Art and Design. We mixed primary colours to make secondary colours.
88Today Y1 heard the story of the Annunciation. Children enjoyed hearing the story from the Bible, the Golden Box and then retelling it themselves.
75Year 1 have been making clay pinch pots and painting them in the style of Dale Chihuly. Their work reflects the Macchia series which Dale Chihuly created using over 300 colours.
73In PSHE, we have been learning about how to celebrate our differences like Elmer.
In Y1, we have been learning about 3D shapes. We have learnt their names and sorted them into different groups.
Today in Y1, we have been learning about animals diets. We have been sorting different animals into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores using a venn diagram.
This week Y1 learnt about the angels visiting the shepherds on the hillside. We then made a host of angels to celebrate the words from The Gloria.
56Year 1 looked at how Christmas is celebrated in Poland. We made crafts and sold them to our families. To entice parents to our stalls we re-enacted the Christmas story. We raised £28 and bought Christmas World Gifts from CAFOD to bring love, joy, hope and peace to our global family this Christmas.
50Year 1 have been learning about Candlemas when candles are brought to the church to be blessed. We lit a candle for everyone in Y1 today and thought about how God’s loves all of us.
36Today Year 1 were moving blocks to create code and make the sprite move North, South, East and West. We even explored using a repeater block.
35Memories to look back on. Our Key Stage 1 children worked so hard. We were so proud of them all.
32We celebrated Candlemas with a special Prayer and Liturgy. We invited our families in to celebrate with us and everyone was asked to think about how they can shine their light on others.
25Today CAFOD Club visited Year 1 and told them all about how they continue Jesus’ mission and help those most in need by donating to CAFOD World Gifts. They shared their reasons for what they had bought and inspired Year 1 to follow in their footsteps.
21Our computing topic this half term is using the beebots. Today, we followed instructions of forwards, backwards, left and right. Then we input these directions into the beebots, giving them instructions for where we wanted them to go.
8A wonderful day in Y1 celebrating World Book Day. We enjoyed talking about our favourite books and redesigning a new front cover for them.