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PSHE Chatter

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Year 4 – RSE

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Looking after our teeth

In Reception we have been learning about people who help us, we looked at the job of a dentist. We then talked about how we can keep our teeth healthy. The children had a chance to practise their teeth brushing skills.

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Bonfire Night

Reception about the story of ‘The Gunpowder Plot’. The children also had a discussion about keeping safe during Bonfire Night. They then had the opportunity to make some edible sparklers and created some firework artwork.

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🧦 Odd socks day in preschool 🧦

Today in preschool we all wore our odd socks to support anti bullying week. ❤️

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🌎❤️ World Kindness Day ❤️ 🌎

In preschool today we decided to show people in our school environment how much we care about them. 🥰 We made some lovely cards and brought some delicious chocolates. Then we went around school showing random acts of kindness to others. 🥰

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🐻❤️ Children in Need ❤️🐻

This morning in preschool we are celebrating children in need by making some of our own Pudsey ears. ❤️🐻⭐️

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Year 5 – English – Mary Jackson Court Case Roleplay

We have been studying the ‘Hidden Figures’ book in English, about the Civil Rights Movement and the inspirational black women of NACA and NASA during the 20th century. During this lesson, we created a roleplay script between Mary Jackson and a judge at the local court, as she asked to be given an equal education to others. A great chance to practice using a formal and official tone with our writing! Once created, children acted out the moment.

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🔴🟡Children in Need 🟢🔵

Thank you to everyone who participated and donated to our Children in Need non-uniform day last Friday. We raised £107 which we have today sent to Children in Need. Well done everyone ☺️