Music Chatter

Music – An Intro to Jazz
In Year 5 Music, we have started listening to Jazz and had a go at playing along on the chime bars.

Y6 Music
This week Year 6 worked with Carmel from the Wigan Music Service to identify and play rhythm patterns using ½ beat (quavers) , 1 beat (crotchets), 2 beat (minims), 4 beat (semibreve) notes.
Spreading Christmas Cheer
🎼🎅During this festive season, our St. Jude’s School Choir have been spreading Christmas cheer throughout the community.
🎤❄The children were invited to perform at St Jude’s Social Club during their weekly ‘Wednesday Warm and Cosy’, where the choir sang a variety of songs they have been preparing for their upcoming concert in March, as well as Christmas carols. They also visited the local retirement home, St. Clements Court, and performed Christmas songs for the residents, who generously gave the children a selection box as a gift. 🎄
A Christmas to Remember
The children were invited by the Wigan Music Service to watch a special Christmas production of The Snowman with the Wigan Youth Orchestra. The children loved listening to the brilliant ensemble along with recognising songs from different Christmas films. It was a pleasure to watch the talent children we have in Wigan.