Maths Chatter

Y1- Maths
In Maths this week, we have been learning to find one more. We used the 10s frame and linking cubes to represent what one more than our number would be.
Year 1 Maths
This week in Year 1 we have been comparing amounts using symbols. We used cubes to prove that our number sentences were correct.

❤️🌈⭐️ Fun Friday in Early Years ⭐️🌈❤️
What a lovely morning we have had in our early years department this morning. ⭐️
We have been using our water play equipment, we have been pouring, mixing and strengthening our developing gross and fine motor skills.

3D Shapes
In Y1, we have been learning about 3D shapes. We have learnt their names and sorted them into different groups.

The children in Reception have been learning about pattern. They explored making patterns such as spiral, zig zag, lines and dots. They then went on to make AB patterns with their bodies and coloured objects.

Partitioning five
In Reception, the children have been exploring ways to partition 5 into different parts. They have been singing five little speckled frogs and they have also been hiding the frogs into the pool to find different way to partition 5.

Number Day
Year 6 have been working on TTRS and solving interactive maths puzzles for Number Day.

Investigating 7
In Reception, the children played a game to investigate ways of making 7 with two parts.

Number Doubles
Reception have been doubling numbers within 10 using their fingers, dice and objects. They also had a go at writing the number sentence.