All About Me Biscuits
Our topic this autumn is All About Me. We can all identify the parts of our face. We decorated some biscuits and spoke about how everyone is different and how out biscuits are different too.
128Our topic this autumn is All About Me. We can all identify the parts of our face. We decorated some biscuits and spoke about how everyone is different and how out biscuits are different too.
128In preschool we have been learning all about hedgehogs. We had an amazing idea to make our own clay hedgehogs. We used our fine motor skills to model and mould our clay. When we had made our hedgehog shapes, we then added our eyes, nose and the very important spikes. Well done preschool.
In DT, Year 5 were looking at different times of beams and pillars when building bridges and the structural benefits and weaknesses of different types of bridge.
77This term, Year 6 will be learning to make mechanical fairground rounds in Design and Technology. They have been exploring everyday objects and fairground rides that rotate and have been investigating how motors are used in a circuit. This week they have had a go at creating strong structures and framework for a fairground ride.
76We have been working as groups to create bridges in class that have been able to hold the weight of toy cars.
65The children have been learning about pneumatic systems and made their own moving monster using a pneumatic system. They used a syringe, tube and balloon. When they syringe was pressed, air passed through the tube and inflated the balloon, this then made the mouth to open.
57We looked at the different ways that wheels and axles work before deciding how the wheels will work on our own vehicles.