Y3 Art – Alexander Calder
The children have been researching the work of the artist, Alexander Calder.
123The children have been researching the work of the artist, Alexander Calder.
123In Art, Year 5 have started researching the Spanish painter and sculptor Joan Miro. They discovered that his artistic talents were evident from a young age although his family did not agree with his passion for the subject. He developed his love for surrealist art in his adult years when he became an inspiration to other artists.
142The children used pipe cleaners to sculpt their own animals like the artist Alexander Calder.
Year 6 have been making abstract sculptures out of clay to represent the natural world. Their designs have been inspired by the work of Barbara Hepworth and Zaha Hadid.
103This week Year 1 have been exploring colour in Art and Design. We mixed primary colours to make secondary colours.
95In preschool we have been learning all about hedgehogs. We had an amazing idea to make our own clay hedgehogs. We used our fine motor skills to model and mould our clay. When we had made our hedgehog shapes, we then added our eyes, nose and the very important spikes. Well done preschool.
In art preschool have been learning all about Yayoi Kusaman, and how she painted spots on pumpkins. We got our own pumpkins together and set off to work, we worked together to make our spotty pumpkins, we was showing amazing sharing and turn taking skills. Well done preschool. 🧡🎃
78We have been learning all about bonfire night today. ❤️
We have made some salt art fire work pictures. 🎆 We have watched about what we need to do to stay safe on bonfire night. 🔥 And we have celebrated our learning in our floor book. 😊
In Reception, the children have been learning about the season of Autumn. They had the opportunity to go on an Autumn walk around the school grounds to look for signs of Autumn. The children also rolled conkers in paint to create some fantastic pieces of art.
76Reception about the story of ‘The Gunpowder Plot’. The children also had a discussion about keeping safe during Bonfire Night. They then had the opportunity to make some edible sparklers and created some firework artwork.
82Year 1 have been making clay pinch pots and painting them in the style of Dale Chihuly. Their work reflects the Macchia series which Dale Chihuly created using over 300 colours.
78The children in Reception looked at and discussed photographs of Andy Goldsworthy’s artwork and sculptures. They then create their own pieces of art in the style of And Goldsworthy.
66In Reception, the children have been learning about winter. They had chance to spot scenes of winter on a wonderful walk around the school grounds, they learnt about wearing appropriate clothes in winter to keep warm. They had the opportunity to explore freezing and melting with real life snow. They also painted some beautiful winter scenes.
51We have listened to the story of the ‘parable of the Sower’ the children retold the story as a group through art.
They each chose a part of the story and drew a picture to represent it. We then talked about the message of the story and how it teaches us to trust, believe and follow God.