Our Mission Statement 

Values & Ethos

“Together, we learn, love and grow with Jesus”

Our school council led a very special Collective Worship celebration where we launched our Mission Statement and each class was presented with a Mission Statement for their classroom.

The Mission Statement is displayed at the front of our school to share with everyone our vision.

Aims and objectives:

To be a Christian family bringing the Gospel to life by word and example (action/deed)


  • By being a welcoming and caring community  (vibrant environment, Christian symbols, displays, ‘open door’ policy, pastoral care of all, annual self-evaluation)
  • By being positive role models living out the Gospel values  (positive class rules, school council, reward systems, daily prayer, weekly disciple, buddy system)
  • By providing opportunities for quality Collective Worship, both in school and church involving the wider community (clear policy and guidelines, INSET, quality resources, attending church, parish family worship with us in school, effective planning, monitoring, evaluation)
  • By learning about and celebrating other faiths, recognising, respecting and celebrating the differences in each other  (Trips, visitors from other faiths, class celebrations of other faiths and festivals)
  •  By living out the Christian values we promote honesty, respect, tolerance, love, friendship (Celebrate and promote British values, Friendship bench, buddy system, restorative practice approach)

To nurture and inspire each individual so that they can learn and grow in order to reach their full potential


  • By ensuring that inspirational learning encourages awe and wonder (visitors, trips, resources, displays, teaching and planning, use of ICT, theme days)
  • By providing a broad and balanced creative curriculum (schemes of work, training, planning, sharing good practice)
  • By consistently delivering quality teaching and learning, providing appropriate challenge and support to meet the needs of all (CPD, planning, differentiation, resources, monitoring, moderation, TA’s and additional support, evaluating and sharing good practice, WOWS, reporting to governors)
  • By developing skills, knowledge and understanding in readiness for the future (Year 5 & 6 transition to high school days out, trips and visits, practical teaching, year 6 spiritual retreat to Animate, internet safety, A journey in love, Visitors to school e.g. police and firemen)
  • By enabling everyone to work together to succeed(staff meetings, positive and constructive marking, peer assessment, moderation, learning triads, INSET, CPD, House teams, Wows, team building for staff)
  • By offering opportunities for learning outside the classroom (Year 6 OAE trip, visitors, trips, outdoor classroom, vegetable patch and greenhouse, woodland area, spiritual garden, muga)
  • By enabling our children to acquire an excellent religious education through the Come and See programme  (Come and See website, staff training in school and at LACE, Topic days, co-ordinators meetings, use of wide variety of Teaching and Learning strategies, differentiation, assessment, moderation and monitoring)
  • By celebrating progress and achievement  (sports day, praise assembly, choir performances, carol services and nativities, leavers services, class reports, weekly disciple)

To develop, maintain and strengthen relationships between school, church, home and wider community


  • By supporting parents educating their children (Reception intake meetings, parent evenings, newsletters, reports, website, homework, parent partnership letters, RE topic letter, phonics meetings)
  • By maintaining positive links between school, home and the wider community (use of school – catechists working with and in school in relation to Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation, Brownies, wraparound care, Visitors, Collective Worship assemblies, praise assembly, share a prayer, sports clubs, Rosary group, feast day masses, community sports, choir singing at local Retirement home)
  • By enabling all to be responsible citizens of the local and global community reaching out into the world (charities – CAFOD, Mission Together, Good Shepherd- Nugent Care, Cancer Research, Wigan and Leigh Hospice, The Brick Homeless project, Christmas Shoe Box Appeal, Poppy Appeal, Children in Need, Wish FM, Toy Box Appeal)
  • By working together with other schools sharing and celebrating skills and talents (WOWS art, music and sport festivals, Let’s Sing, Hawkley Hall band, St. John Fisher performances, spelling bees, POG group within Wows)


Celebrating our new mission statement