In this section
‘Together, we learn, love and grow with Jesus’

Our CAFOD Club led a very special Prayer and Liturgy celebration where we celebrated the renewal of the objectives of our Mission Statement. Our Year 6 prefects gave each visitor who attended a copy of our Mission Statement with the Oscar Romero cross. Daniel, a member of our CAFOD Club, presented each class with a copy of this to proudly display in their classrooms. Then we all celebrated with cake, a day we won’t forget!
To be a Christian family bringing the Gospel to life by word and example (action/deed)
- By being a welcoming and caring community
- (safe environment where everyone feels valued, inviting atmosphere created by all, inclusive environment, Christian symbols embedded into school life, faith based displays and environment, ‘open door’ policy, pastoral care of children, parents and staff, strong relationships between home and school, supportive staff, annual self-evaluation, share a prayer, Year 6 Prefects, Reception and Year 6 Buddy System, School Council)
- Encourage all to develop their understanding of and relationship with God by being positive role models living out the Gospel values
- (living in the footsteps of Jesus, positive class rules, reward systems, daily prayer, share a prayer CAFOD Club, School Council, Year 6 Prefects, all staff model the Gospel values)
- By enabling our children to acquire an excellent religious education through well taught and resourced programs (To Know You More Clearly and Come and See)
- (updated documentation to support effective planning and delivery, staff training, Topic days, RE lead meetings with the Archdiocese, RE Cluster Group Meetings, creative curriculum, adaptive teaching, sharing good practice, TRIADS, moderation and assessment, monitoring, evaluation, Catholic Social Teaching links to the RE curriculum)
- By providing opportunities for quality Prayer and Liturgy, both in and around school and church, involving the wider community.
- (clear policy and guidelines, staff training based on RE lead findings, quality resources which are regularly updated, effective planning, monitoring, evaluation, triads, opportunities for Prayer and Liturgy to take place in and outside our school taking advantage of our spiritual environment eg.Spiritual Garden, as well as on school trips)
- By learning about other faiths, recognising, celebrating and respecting the difference in each other.
- (trips, visitors, cross curricular links, Come and See planning and teaching, Branch 6 Dialogue and Encounter, valuable discussions with children and families from other faiths, promoting Catholic Social Teaching principles, British Values and Gospel Values)
To nurture and inspire each individual to grow and reach their full potential
- By ensuring that inspirational learning encourages awe and wonder.
- (visitors, trips, resources (including the Golden Box), displays, planning, discussion and questioning, silent reflection)
- By providing a broad and balanced creative curriculum so that all children are encouraged to become independent learners and every child’s achievement is recognised.
- (schemes of work, training, planning, quality feedback to support children, sharing good practice, TRIADS, resources, cross curricular links, achievers assembly, dojo reward system)
- By consistently delivering high quality teaching and learning.
- (CPD, monitoring, evaluating and sharing good practice, WOWS, resources)
- By developing skills, knowledge and understanding in readiness for the future.
- (Year 5 & 6 transition to high school days out, trips and visits, practical teaching, Animate Retreat, Year 6 Residential, Year 6 Careers Fayre)
- By providing appropriate challenge and support to meet the needs of all.
- (adaptive teaching, planning, TA’s and additional support, pastoral teacher, SENCO and outside agencies, School Counsellor, governors and volunteers)
- By offering opportunities for learning outside the classroom
- (Prayer and Liturgy, Extra Curricular Clubs, Orienteering)
To develop, maintain and strengthen relationships with church, home and wider community
- By supporting parents educating their children.
- (Meet the Teacher meetings, parent evenings, newsletters and parent partnership letters, reports, website, subject based information parent meeting, WOWS Art, Sports and Music festivals)
- By providing opportunities for all to rejoice in success.
- (sports day, achievement assemblies, choir performances, carol services and nativities, leavers services, class dojo shop, Website and Chatter)
- By maintaining positive links between school, home and the parish and wider community.
- (Use of school –breakfast and after school club and St. Jude’s Rugby Club training sessions. Visitors, Prayer and Liturgy celebrations, achievement assemblies, share a prayer, sports clubs, Rosary group, feast day masses, Homework coffee afternoon, Tea and Tots, Christmas Fayre, Easter Bingo, Mother’s Day celebration)
- By enabling all to be responsible citizens of the local and global community and to empathise with others.
- (charities – CAFOD, Mission Together, Good Shepherd, Nugent Care, Wigan and Leigh Hospice, The Brick Homeless project, Community Grocery, British Heart Foundation, Daffodil Dreams)
- By working together with other schools sharing and celebrating skills and talents.
- (WOWS art, music and sport festivals, Wigan Inter-school sports)