Talk to someone – always tell someone if you are being bullied or if you see someone being bullied.

What To Do If You Are Being Bullied

  • Don’t respond or show a reaction, bullies like to see that they can upset you
  • Calmly and assertively tell the bully yo stop…or say nothing and walk away
  • Use humour, if this is easy for you to do
  • Avoid areas where there are not many others around
  • Don’t bring expensive items into school
  • Sit with a trusted group of friends at break and lunch times
  • Join in activities which you like
  • ALWAYS report and bullying that does not stop or makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe to your parents, teacher or another adult you can trust

What School Will Do

All children are entitled to courteous and respectful treatment by other pupils and staff whist at school. As a school we have the responsibility to ensure your child has a safe learning environment.  With this aim, we will;

  • Listen to what you/your child say
  • We will support your child within the framework of our anti-bullying policy
  • We will investigate what you have told us and then report to you what we have found out as a part of our investigation and what we have done to help your child.
  • Engage pupils in prevention through the use of restorative practices, PSHE lessons, poster contests, surveys, have older pupils talk with younger pupils, assemblies, anti-bullying week and internet safety week